1. V. Roshan Joseph, Yubin Tian and C. F. Jeff Wu. Adaptive designs for stochastic root-finding. Statistica Sinica, 2007, 17(4):1549-1565.
2. Yubin Tian. Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator and Bayesian estimator based on sequential sensitivity experiments. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2009, 79(6):728–732.
3. C.F. Jeff Wu, Yubin Tian ; Three-phase optimal design of sensitivity experiments. Journal of Statistics Planning and Inference, 2014, 149:1-15.
4. Dianpeng Wang, Yubin Tian , C.F. Jeff Wu. A skewed version of the Robbins-Monro-Joseph procedure for binary response. Statistica Sinica, 2015, 25(4): 1679-1689.
5. Xia Cai,Yubin Tian, Wei Ning. Modified information approach for detecting change points in piecewise linear failure rate function. Statistics & Probability Letters, 2017, 125: 130-140.
6. Xia Cai, Yubin Tian, Wei Ning. Change-point analysis of the failure Mechanisms based on accelerated life tests. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2019, 188: 515-522.
7. Dianpeng Wang, Yubin Tian , C.F. Jeff Wu. Comprehensive comparisons of major design procedure for sensitivity testing. Journal of Quality Technology, 2020, 52(2): 155-167.
8. Jialu Li, Yubin Tian, Dianpeng Wang. Change-point detection of the failure mechanism for electronic devices based on Arrhenius model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 83:46-58.
9. Yongfei Fang, Yubin Tian, Xia Cai. Sequential designs for estimating the operating window. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2021(8): 2386-2398.
10. Jun Wang, Dianpeng Wang, Yubin Tian. Multidimensional specification test based on non-stationary time series. TEST, 2022, 31: 348-372.
11. Xu, D., Tian, Y. B., Shi, J. B., Wang, D. P., Zhang, M., Li, H. J. Reliability Analysis and Optimal Redundancy for a Satellite Power Supply System Based on a New Dynamic k-out-of-n: G Model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 236, 109317.
12. Li, S. X., Tian, Y. B., Wang, D. P. Parallel Efficient Global Optimization by Using the Minimum Energy Criterion. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2023, 93(17): 3104-3125.